Winter is here and one of the most common questions that pop-ups in every women’s mind is whether to shave or not to shave. So, do you really need to shave in the winter?
“…This first woman to shave her legs was named: Georgia. She had returned from working hard all day on the farm and while she stood over the fire cooking, one of her small children [only knee high] grabbed on to her leg. Unfortunately for Georgia, her small child lost his balance while grabbing on to Georgia’s leg… her very hairy leg. As the small child fell, he grabbed just enough hairs off of Georgia’s hairy leg which created the sharpest pain she had ever experienced. “Ouch! Damn it!” screamed Georgia as she shook him off as if he were a tiny scary spider crawling up her leg!…”
Many men and women become resigned to living with ingrown hairs and razor bumps as they assume that it's something that can't really be changed. This assumption is wrong in that there are ways to help reduce the occurrence of razor bumps and keep your skin healthy and vibrant.
Here, we suggest some natural ingredients you can use as a remedy for a razor bumps. Each of these ingredients has its own special healing and proven ability to help with your razor bumps.